The End of the World

The End of the World I'm currently reading Where'd You Go, Bernadette, a book recommended by my friend Shazam. It's an engaging read - interesting format and great build-up. The **** is about to hit the fan, and I'm enjoying my front-seat view to the chaos. What Bernadette doesn't realize is that it's unwise, dangerous, … Continue reading The End of the World

Who Stole My Meat?

Who Stole My Meat? I'm halfway through writing a post about comic books, and it's an important topic, to be sure, and I promise I'll get to it soon, but right now, I have something more urgent to share: One time, someone stole all our meat. I'd forgotten about it - let bygones be bygones, … Continue reading Who Stole My Meat?

Heroic Instincts

Heroic Instincts In the novel I just edited (yet again), my main character encounters life-threatening danger. It's a fight or flight situation, an opportunity for heroic valor and lightning-fast reflexes. If this was fantasy, action, or sci-fi, she would kick ass and take names. But it's historical women's fiction, and there's a third option, one … Continue reading Heroic Instincts

Prayer for Judgement

Prayer for Judgement I got pulled over last week for running a stop sign in my neighborhood, where a police officer had been sitting all week, waiting for someone to run that stop sign. Since I knew he was there, I didn't run the stop sign. Also, I don't run stop signs. He said I … Continue reading Prayer for Judgement

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner             It was supposed to be a reward, a reward I'd been working toward all year. The three kids who read the most books would receive a grand prize: a mystery celebration. We were guaranteed to love it.             Sure, there were coupons for personal pan pizzas along the way, but … Continue reading Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Is Your Refrigerator Running?

  Is Your Refrigerator Running? Before Christmas break, I volunteered at the primary school, so teachers could attend their holiday luncheon. My kids' classes were already covered. "Put me anywhere you need me," I said. They needed me in the EC (Exceptional Children) class, so that's where I went. Before the teacher left, he wrote his … Continue reading Is Your Refrigerator Running?

Oh, Christmas Tree

Oh, Christmas Tree I wish I had a picture of those trees: either the coathanger one or that scraggly juniper, but this was before cell phones, and camera film was too pricey for use on a tree, be it real or otherwise. So, my memory will have to suffice. I was twelve, my brother ten, … Continue reading Oh, Christmas Tree

What doesn’t kill you

What doesn't kill you These blog posts could be considered memoir, and I've heard it said that memoir should be 90% truth and 10% lies. What part isn't true? The part that you don't like, of course, I promise. Whatever part you find most offensive, disturbing, or unbelievable – that's the 10%, so just relax … Continue reading What doesn’t kill you